Category Tutorial

Painting off white

The vast majority of historical whites are an off white tinging towards a light beige. This is because clothes were predominantly made from wool, and when it was desired to have “white”, wool was left un-dyed, the natural hew of the material providing the required tone. With this in mind, I thought I would run […]

Painting small scale miniature faces

The most prominent feature of a miniature, and indeed people, is the face. The eye is attracted to it almost instantly, especially if a model is clad in dark sombre colours. Painting AB miniatures can be just as detailed as the larger scale figures, and the face is no different. In fact, the sculpts are […]

York, Austrians and Commissions

I have finally settled in York, UK and set up my painting table. Of course, this means more Austrians which I am working through whenever I get a chance. Open for Showcase Commissions I am considering working on a few Napoleonic commissions again, specifically 18mm AB miniatures. If you are looking to have a few […]