Austrians for 1809.

I am currently working on a project where the client is beginning to assemble Hiller’s corp for action along the Danube during 1809. Understandably as this is one of my first commissions I have been asked to do a large battalion from the first division, specifically IR 14 Klebek, instead of the whole corp. Luckily for me this means black tails, collars and cuffs.

As the figures are 15mm Old Glory I have taken some liberty in making them “pop”. Namely a white uniform, instead of the off white uniform with white belts, and gold trim for the helmet comb, instead of the yellow normally associated with the Grecian helmets.

I have enjoyed painting them but the two pose bag is very straining and one of the figures, the one with his right arm across his belly, can be a tedious fellow, especially after you have done him 21 times.

So far I have completed 4 bases of musketeers, and need to complete a further two bases, one a command base with AB officers, drummers and standard bearers and another one with musketeers accompanied by one marching AB Austrian 1805 officer in a great coat.

Though I am a massive fan of AB figures, I find that a good bag of OG’s are just as good if price is an obstacle.


Please excuse the iPhone shot.

Now onto some Bolt Action Germans and the beginnings of a Prussian cavalry brigade for the 1813 War of Liberation.

Happy Gaming,


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